3 Key Takeaways from an Internship with TPG

As we progress into May, spring internships are beginning to come to a close, and the school year is coming to an end. After months of working at a public relations agency, there are a couple things to remember as we continue the progression of our careers. The following items are the top three takeaways from one of The Power Group’s very own public relations interns:

Research IS Important:

Whether you’re presenting a campaign to a client, or building influencer and media lists, expect to do a lot of research. While this may seem like tedious work, research is one of the most important parts of your job as an intern. As professionals, we must maintain our personal credibility, and that of the agency. Working to better understand your publics, or building a base of information is work that will be referred to time and time again. Pay attention to the information you are gathering and think strategically to find the answers to the client’s questions. Research is the cornerstone to any successful project. As an intern, you must learn to love and appreciate it for what it is.

Everything is on a Learning Curve:

One of the most critical things that you need to remember is that you are not expected to know everything. A public relations agency like The Power Group is a fast-paced environment, and sometimes it’s easy to feel a little lost. In moments like these, know that it is always OK to ask a question. Your supervisors and coworkers are some of the best resources you can turn to when you’re feeling confused, and chances are, they’ve been in the exact same position as you. Over time, you will develop a better understanding of the tasks being asked of you, and start gaining more independence. As an intern, you are the student at the agency, take the time to comprehend that you’re still in the learning phase of your career.

ALWAYS Follow Up:

Following up with your team, clients, or other communication outlets is something that definitely doesn’t end with your internship. Whether it be influencer or media pitches, an item for review, or a simple question, sending a follow up regarding your original inquiry is a mandatory part of doing your job as a communicator. Reiterating your question or ideas holds you accountable, and lets the other party know you’re working hard to get to your end result. While you’re an intern, practicing this will help you keep track of progress on pitches and other projects. The follow up is paramount to your success in the agency world.

Being conscious of the progress you’ve made as an intern will help you to envision goals for your future career. If you’re just getting your feet wet in the agency world with your first internship, or if this is your second or third position, remain patient and curious. For the next interns at The Power Group, best of luck, and remember to enjoy your experience!