Why Diversifying Your Social Media Presence is Important

In the world of social media, where trends are ever evolving, establishing a diverse online presence is essential for individuals and businesses to thrive. Often, social media is the closest touch point for the consumer to interact with brands, so it’s crucial to spread your online presence every chance you get. We’ve outlined a couple of reasons why casting a wide net across various platforms can be a game-changer for your digital success.  

  1. Reach a Broader Audience
    Each social media platform attracts a unique demographic. While TikTok may be suited for a younger audience like GenZ who use social media for entertaining content, LinkedIn may be more suited for Gen X who are seeking business connections. By diversifying your presence, you tap into the diverse user bases of different platforms, enabling you to reach a broader audience with varied interests, demographics and preferences.  
  1. The Algorithm and Virality
    Each platform has its own algorithm, which can be both a pro and con. Since algorithms are always being updated, it can be hard to ‘beat the algorithm’ or even figure it out. By sharing content across multiple social media platforms, it gives content the opportunity to reach varied exposure, or even go viral! Since TikTok launched in 2016, we’ve seen how its algorithm gives users more of an opportunity to go viral at a faster rate, based on what’s trending. Take advantage of the trends, and in turn watch how your content performs!  
  1. Boost SEO and Online Visibility
    Search engines take social media presence into account when determining search rankings. Having a diverse social media footprint provides multiple entry points for users to discover and engage with your content. This not only enhances your online presence but also leads to improved search engine optimization (SEO), driving more organic traffic to your profile or website.  
  1. Mitigate Dependence on a Certain Platform
    The social media space is fast moving, and there are always new platforms emerging (and dying). In 2017, the popular video sharing app, Vine, was abruptly discontinued and removed from the internet. For many content creators who had built large followings on the platform, they had lost their community, online presence and way to make a living. For the Vine creators who diversified their social media presence and posted on other platforms like YouTube and Instagram, they were able to keep their online presence after Vine was removed. You never know when something like this could happen again, so be proactive and utilize different social media platforms!  

In conclusion, diversifying your social media presence is a strategic imperative in the dynamic landscape of the digital era. Beyond the evident benefits of reaching a broader audience, increasing the chance of virality and boosting SEO, it helps brands tell their story and allows them to stay competitive in their industry. Stay curious and be an early adopter to the new social media platforms to come!

To learn more about how The Power Group can assist with your brand’s social media content, please reach out to [email protected].